Friday, June 26, 2015

Cow Bay

This was our best free-camping site so far this trip. Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, just east of Halifax. It took some creative turning and Nan had to unhook her car, but once we got into place it was worth it. Nan found it on, and we talked to a Ranger here who confirmed it was ok to stay.
Commercial fishermen launch their boats from this same area, but they came in at high tide and left.
Across the road is a day-use only Provincial Park.
Once the fishermen cleared out, the afternoon's free entertainment arrived…Kite Boarders. It was interesting to watch his preparations. Here he is pumping up his kite. 
Then he dons a harness.
And carries his kite and board out into the shallow water in front of our campsite.
Soon he is zooming back and forth as the strong winds carry his kite.
By the look on his face, it must be exhilarating.
This is a man at least as old as me. He had more difficulty getting up and staying up...
But by golly, he was doing it!
This fellow is wearing a Go-Pro camera on his helmet. It would be fun to watch his video. I got some great video of them too, but it won't upload to the blog.
These two were pros.
They began doing tricks…jumps and flips. That's the video that won't upload…too bad.

A pretty young woman got in on the action too.

 Unfortunately, she wiped out early…but all was not lost. I saw her leave with one of the handsome young men.
When the show was over, the Willets came out.
They were fun to watch too.

 And then there was a pretty sunset which I actually stayed up to watch.
 In the morning the waters were calm as glass.
 And the morning critters became active.  Incoming Cormorant...
 A pair of Great Blue Herons.
 With some ducks.
 A pair of deer grazing on the opposite shore.
 We hated to leave, but a road construction crew set up right beside us to start filling potholes, and were going to be stopping traffic. We decided to get out while we could.
Tomorrow we are headed to the Cape Breton Highlands for more adventures.

The Ovens…Sea Caves and Cliff Trail

We took the scenic coastal route to Lunenburg with a planned stop to see the Ovens…an area of high cliffs and sea caves.
 There is a nice campground here, but we were staying at another less scenic, but cheaper campground.
 We came to hike the Sea Cave Trail which begins here.
 This sign adds to the drama.
 There once was a boom town here during the Gold Rush.
Looking back at the campground.
 Apparently beyond the campground there is a beach area where you can pan for gold and sea kayaking is available too. 
 Our first stop along the trail is at Tucker's Tunnel. 
 According to local lore, a claim holder name John Tucker followed a rich vein of gold through the slate rock.

 He continued until he reached  this sea cave.
The result is a stairway down the cliff with a unique view of the sea caves.
 Inside the sea cave.
 Looking out toward the sea.
 Climbing back up the wet stairs.
 View from the top.

 Looking down at the entrance to Tucker's Cave
A large vein of quartz rock can be seen running through the slate cliff.
 Rock Pigeons live on the cliffs. Can you see this pair?
 She appears to be building a nest.
 The Trail
 Waves crashing below.
 This is the waterfall veiled entrance to Indian Cave, home to Nova Scotia's oldest legend ...
 about a Mi'kmac Indian brave who entered this cave in his canoe and emerged in Annapolis on the other side of Nova Scotia through a subterranean passageway.
 There was no information as to whether anyone has ever explored how far the cave really goes.
 We are approaching the Blowhole.
 Located below in a small cavity on the far left.
 The wave action against the geometry of the rock structure compresses air that then propels the surf (plus seaweed and large rocks sometimes) up to 80 feet in the air.
 From the side...
 Beyond the Blowhole is Thunder Cave. Similar wave action inside the cave sounds like thunder.
 Another pair of Rock Pigeons.
 Another view of the cliffs.
The concrete stairway was poured by 3 workmen in the 1960s, mixing and hauling 2000 buckets of cement, all by hand. The stairway leads to Cannon Cave. 
 Some of these cliffside trees will be tumbling over soon.
 There have been 3 movies filmed here: Bailey's Mistake, Rush of Fear, and Stone Cold, with stars like Tom Selleck and others. This site was used twice to film cars falling over the edge, as script writers take advantage of the cliffs and ocean as a setting for action scenes.
 Nan descending the concrete steps.
 She disturbed a young couple in a passionate embrace who did not hear her coming over the sound of the surf.
 Where the cars fell over the cliff.

Inside Cannon Cave.
 Nan coming down the steps into the cave.
 Water masses slam deep into the cave, and when the sea is high, the slamming sound is loud like a cannon shot, hence its name.
There are three caves in a row here. The closest one is Cannon Cave.
 Looking up from bottom of the concrete steps. 
 Across the way we can see the small seaside town of Blue Rocks, which has its own unique geology, but we did not go there.
 Another set of steps...
 And you can see the three caves from the other side.
 And one more looking the other way.
 At the end of the trail we can see the historic town of Lunenburg. The ship, Blue Nose, sails out of its harbor. Well, it's actually motoring, not sailing today.
 We ate lunch at the OLd Fish Factory Restaurant in this red waterfront building.
 After touring Lunenburg's waterfront, we drove through Mahone Bay on the way home. Three historic churches can be seen on their waterfront.
I highly recommend the Sea Caves Trail for those planning a trip to Nova Scotia.