Sunday, May 3, 2015

Jockey Ridge State Park

Today turned out to be a beautiful sunny day with only light winds. We packed a lot into it, so divided it into two blog posts. We started at Jockey Ridge State Park.
Home to the highest sand dunes on the Atlantic Coast.

Which makes it a great place to learn Hang Gliding.
A very popular sport here.

We didn't do that, but we did hike out on the dunes.

Thank goodness someone had enough sense not to allow development here.
Climbing the dunes.
Looking back…here comes Nan.
Something's going on over there.
Why it looks like the Imperial Sandtroopers!
And they've caught a Jawa!
Don't let that Jawa get away!

Not sure what kind of Star Wars photo shoot was going on, but it was fun to watch.
Troopers in training?
Eventually they took a break, so we continued our hike across the dunes.

Setting up for Hang Glider lesons.
It's a great place for kites too.
There goes Nan.
Looking toward the Atlantic side of the island.
And on the other side, Kite boarding is a popular sport in Roanoke Sound.
View from the top.
Have you ever noticed that wherever there is a high precipice, somebody will go stand on the edge?
View from Jockey Ridge.
Ripples in the sand.
You could get lost out here.
Someone is getting a Hang Gliding lesson.
I could do that with two people hanging on.
We ate lunch at a local cafe.
I had Crab Benedict.
Here's what would have happened if they had allowed development at jockey Ridge. There used to be a miniature golf course across the street.
It's almost completely buried under the dunes now.
Only the very top of a castle is sticking out.
Here's another way you can see the island…flight tours.
Uh oh…Nan's trying on hats again…a flight helmet.

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